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Read online ebook Managing Your Brand : Career Management and Personal PR for Librarians in DJV, TXT


" Managing Your Brand: Career Management and Personal PR for Librarians "sets out guidelines for developing career pathways, including options for career change and the exploration of community service, as an avenue that can provide new opportunities. The text allows librarians at all levels to maximize their talents, providing them with career planning strategies that will facilitate professional development and personal satisfaction. Early chapters provide advice and strategies to readers, with later chapters addressing working relationships, librarianship, scholarship, and other forms of service. Addresses career concerns, but also takes family life into accountExplains branding as a way of focusing a career around a few key ideas, while also allowing for growth and shifts in interestsFolds in sources from the business and general academic world along with librarianshipSets out simple habits people can cultivate that are helpful in tenure and career development, Managing Your Brand sets out guidelines for developing career pathways, including keeping in mind options for career change, and the opportunities that community service can offer., There aren¿t many career ladders for librarians. Management positions are few and far between and often require relocation, which isn¿t always a viable option, especially in cases of two career families, households with children in school or other family obligations. Managing Your Brand sets out guidelines for developing career pathways, including keeping in mind options for career change, and the opportunities that community service can offer. These guidelines will allow librarians at all levels to maximize their talents, and together with career planning strategies will facilitate professional development and personal satisfaction, in areas such as scholarship and teamwork. The first two chapters of this title introduce advice and strategies to readers. The following three chapters address working relationships, librarianship and scholarship, with remaining chapters covering forms of service and a conclusion., There aren�t many career ladders for librarians. Management positions are few and far between and often require relocation, which isn�t always a viable option, especially in cases of two career families, households with children in school or other family obligations. Managing Your Brand sets out guidelines for developing career pathways, including keeping in mind options for career change, and the opportunities that community service can offer. These guidelines will allow librarians at all levels to maximize their talents, and together with career planning strategies will facilitate professional development and personal satisfaction, in areas such as scholarship and teamwork. The first two chapters of this title introduce advice and strategies to readers. The following three chapters address working relationships, librarianship and scholarship, with remaining chapters covering forms of service and a conclusion.

Read book Managing Your Brand : Career Management and Personal PR for Librarians DJV, EPUB, FB2

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